- Hello, welcome back . .
- This is video number 5 and we're going to talk about creating an avatar profile . .
- So that's what we're doing here is we're taking all the data that we did in the previous video and writing it all down . .
- Okay, so what I want you to do is simply pull out a piece of paper or a notepad whatever makes you feel like you're organizing and let's jot things down . .
- So like I said earlier this is not set in stone is just giving you a better idea of who you could be targeting . .
- So if we take a look at here, remember, I started with any agent, any gender but we can see 55% of women on Facebook, 45% of men in Facebook so we can see that in general . .
- It seems like the most is meant, but it does seem like it's 50/50 . .
- So, we're just going to stick with both . .
- Now, like I said, we see 25 to 34 as the age . .
- So what I'm going to do is I'm going to do 25 Like so . .
- And we can kind of get us an idea that this is the majority and then it kind of stinks down here . .
- so, let's just say, We're going to start with this group here . .
- And let's end it at 54 . .
- And now, we have about 25 . .
- to about 3 million . .
- So let's click on page likes now before that, let me go ahead and jot things down . .
- So location, in this case is going to be the United States . .
- The age is going to be 25 to 54 . .
- The gender is going to be all . .
- And in this case, the interest is going to be scuba diving . .
- So all you're doing is simply jotting down what you see All right, so strolling down here, we have relationship status, the majority or married with a college-level education . .
- So married, what's a relationship? And education . .
- Job title . .
- And remember we see that the majority is production . .
- So we're going to type in production Veterans . .
- Installation . .
- Appears excetera and the job title is not necessarily something that were worried about . .
- Right now, most of time, you're just going to Target the location age, gender, and the interest And you can get more specific by targeting married so we can Target these in the based on that information . .
- will know more later . .
- So, let's stroll back to the top, And we'll go to page likes . .
- And let's chat the stamps . .
- We've got clothing store . .
- They like the nine line apparel and then they got Ray, they like Bass . .
- Pro Shops, which is not a clothing store, but it's a store What products do they buy? What services do they use? What websites do they visit? What TV shows do they watch? So they watch the . .
- National Geographic . .
- We like to visit Allrecipes . .
- And then we've got pays likes . .
- So what's the difference between this and this? This is Page likes and these are actual categories that they're interested in . .
- So we got page likes, got Ginnie Springs . .
- Salt Life . .
- Nine line apparel . .
- Now, we're going to see here is relevant relevant . .
- Basically means that in relation to scuba diving . .
- How closely are these audience related? So, obviously, the further you get away the further, you get away from how close, they are to that interest, the closer, you are the closer, you are to that interest, . .
- that makes sense . .
- So, we have Affinity level, which basically, tells you how close they are to the audience that you're looking for . .
- And the closer, they are the easier . .
- It is to Target them, right? So, it's always good to start with the ones closest to the top . .
- So now remember we saw location . .
- We saw a lot of Florida and we saw a lot of Hawaii . .
- and then, in terms of activity, And devices . .
- We saw that a lot of them use mobile devices, so iPhone Android Etc . .
- Now you can further create this Avatar profile . .
- Another method is by going to googlecom . .
- and looking for magazines . .
- So why magazine swell? If you flip through the magazine and you go through to the advertise page, you'll notice that these magazines have what we call a media rate card . .
- And what this does is a lot of times it'll tell you the exact demographic and the exact Avatar that you're trying to Target . .
- So let's type in, for the sake of Simplicity will type in food magazine . .
- Like so . .
- And you can do food magazine advertise . .
- So, for example, the Food Network Magazine me to get the food in Wine magazine, And bear in mind that we are not going to advertise on these networks necessarily, you can if you want to . .
- But this will give us a better idea of the demographic . .
- So essentially a lot of these magazine companies they want you to advertise . .
- So in order to get you to advertise, they're going to provide you with the demographic information so we can see here . .
- Besides the state of here . .
- Sometimes it's a stroll further down . .
- It'll tell you stuff like that . .
- It's like adults looks like mainly women about price, 70% women or or 90% women, actually it tells you the age group swimming, Jordy are 18 and above how much money they earn if they have children, . .
- are they married or they employed? What is their education level? So, what I would do is, I would go to Google and type in whatever your niece is space magazine, space advertised and most likely you'll . .
- be able to find this information . .
- So, food and wine . .
- For example, if we go to the advertised, it'll give you an idea . .
- Up who you're targeting . .
- So audience right here, we can go and take a look at the audience profile and match it with the Food Network, one, and get a better idea of the patterns that show up what are things . .
- that are consistent throughout essentially . .
- So that's another method that you can use, you don't have to, but I just wanted to give you more so that you can kind of target people in a more specific manner . .
- So, go ahead and write things down and keep it saved on your computer . .